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"This renovation has been nothing but pleasant"

We would like to say thank you for our NEW and AMAZING bathrooms. Your work is truly exceptional and professional on every supplier level. Many thanks to you and your friendly guys that I have grown fond of in the last 4 weeks. This renovation has been nothing but pleasant and you have definitely set the standard as to how customers should be treated. I would highly recommend Beautiful Bathrooms and look forward to working again with you in the future. Many thanks for your kindness, professionalism and guidance over the last 4 weeks. All the best for the Future and until the next renovation.

"Exceptional and professional on every supplier level."

Andrea and Colin Timmis

"Always arrived on time and worked immaculately"

Cobus and his team completely gutted and then renovated our main en-suite bathroom. From the planning stage to quoting, stripping and fitting our new sanitary ware, his work was absolutely brilliant!!! He always arrived on time, worked immaculately and his attention to detail is indeed something rare to find! I can highly recommend his quality workmanship, co-operation and professionalism and will definitely ask him to do any plumbing and restoration work in the future. I absolutely love my new bathroom!

"Quality workmanship, co-operation and professionalism!"

Sharon Raper

"We are very happy with the results"

We would highly recommend Beautiful Bathrooms as we found their work to be of high quality and the sub-contracting team reliable and efficient. Their works to a very high standard and always goes the extra mile with great attention to detail as well as fulfilling all requirements. The job was completed well within the time promised and we are very happy with the results.

"Great attention to detail"

Mrs Jane Rowbatham
Cape Town

"Eerlik en betroubaar"

Ons het onlangs beide badkamers in ons huis laat oordoen en ons was werklik gelukkig om die dienste van Beautiful Bathrooms te bekom. Die eienaar was aangenaam en ten alle tye vriendelik, maar professioneel teenoor ons. Beautiful Bathrooms is in alle opsigte eerlik en betroubaar en het vir ons net die beste advies oor pryse, materiaal en soorte teels gegee wat by ons behoeftes en kleurskema sou pas. Beautiful Bathrooms se sub-kontrakteers tree dienooreenkomstig op en lewer werk van uitstaande gehalte. Hulle is betroubaar en hul werk getuig van hul vakmanskap. Ons beveel Beautiful Bathrooms dus sonder enige voorbehoud aan. U is welkom om saam met die eienaar ons badkamers te kom besigtig.

"Eerlik en betroubaar"

Johan & Miemie Victor
Cape Town

"High standard of work"

I contacted Beautiful Bathrooms when I was in dire need of a plumber, due to extensive water damage to my property. The owner informed me that he could come out immediately. He contacted me when they came on site and re-assured me that Beautiful Bathrooms could repair the fault and that the water damage was contained. He explained in detail what has happened to the geyser and what had to be replaced. It is the first time that I have dealt with such professional service and high standard of work. Thank you, I shall definitely use your company again I can therefore also recommend Beautiful Bathrooms with confidence to anyone else that may have need of a plumber or plumbing services.

"Such professional service"

Cape Town

"The best service and the best advice!"

Beautiful Bathrooms gave me the best service and the best advice! Recently my geyser burst and they organised everything for me... from dealing with Insurance to sourcing Insurance Claims. The owner was totally upfront about costs and accommodated all my questions. He is genuinely interested in helping people and were fast, efficient and friendly. I recommend Beautiful Bathrooms to anyone in Capetown!

"Fast, efficient and friendly"


"Exceeded our expectations"

On behalf of Vanessa and I, we would like to thank you for the renovations that you and the sub-contractors carried out on our bathroom. You not only met our expectations but also exceeded them by far and the level of expertise that Beautiful Bathrooms displayed can only be described as exceptional. The timeframe was met and your attention to detail was equally impressive. We would have no hesitation in recommending you to any potential clients and will most certainly be using your company for further renovations in the future.

"Exceptional level of expertise"

Mr AH Pointer
Cape Town